Tuesday, May 20, 2008

playing catch-up

so, I've ended up having to miss like 2 classes due to the legislative district caucus (and training thereof). Totally worth it, but still, 2 days that I could have been throwing and whatnot. :(

Then I had to miss this weekend's class too cause I was down in Bend, OR running a 10K for part of a relay race called Pole Pedal Paddle.

I learned that May 10 was the deadline for beginning new wetclay projects, and this weekend was the deadline for having stuff on the bisque cart. I ended up working on a tight schedule to be able to get as many things made as possible to accomodate these deadlines.

I can't remember what I managed to do on which weekend, but my current projects are in these states:

* I threw the components for 2 clay goblets on the wheel. One squatter one I threw in 2 pieces and attached later. The larger goblet... I actually threw the chalice upside down on the wheel!! ... pinching closed a half-sphere and trapping air inside. I then threw a stem thing for it, and attached that while it was still on the bat. Later, when it was set up a little, I cut the chalice off of the bat and compressed the rim edges on the wheel. These are kinda exciting pieces.

* I attached 2 spouts for the little teapots (one that looks like a bubble, and one that looks like a beehive). I decided they were too small for handles tho. The lids seems to fit fine atleast. The bubble pot developed an S crack in the bottom while drying, which is a bummer. I'm hoping to be able to close the hole with glaze.

* I made some dealie bob for my friend adam to microwave pasta sauce with (while still in the jar) and prevent it from splashing all over his microwave. I warned him that it may not really microwave well, but he was welcome to try it. Lets call this a custom commissioned piece. This also developed an S crack, but I don't think it matters since it needs to let steam through it anyway.

* I trimmed my interesting patterned bowl, threw another ramen-sized bowl (which is still drying), and then another bowl that didn't want to cooperate, so I tried flattening the sides and making it square. I'm not sure I like how it's come out, but oh well.

* I also made a replacement mug for my friend lien. The mug I gave her for christmas broke while she was washing it. She said the handle just broke into pieces. sad.

This was really all I managed to make this class tho. so, I took my clay and tools home on May 10th and bought a couple of boards covered in canvas, and continued to hand-build stuff at home.

* I made a 3.5"x9" tray thing for my mom's bathroom. Another custom commissioned piece I suppose.

* I made a little 4" square tray thing that may work well as a candle holder.

* and, I made a hand-built teapot.

... after I took these photos, I added a handle, 4 feet, a 3-d leaf on the lid, and carved a fern design onto the sides. It's pretty now.

These I took into the lab and put on the bisque cart on friday last week before leaving town. While there I noticed one of the bowls wasn't bone dry yet, so I had to leave it on the shelf. I will go back in today and see if it's dry yet. The bisque deadline is actually Thursday this week, May 22.

I've not glazed anything yet. Haven't had time. I shouldn't be missing any more classes this semester though, thank god. The second to last class is going to be a raku firing, so I need to decide which of my pieces are going to get raku glazes.

The last class is just going to be a potluck and picking up our finished pieces. fun!

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