Sunday, June 8, 2008

raku firing!

Saturday was exciting. Not only are all the reduction firings complete

and I found my stuff...

but we got to do a small raku firing!

This was the remainder of my class who showed up this last day

We had 3 firings to do. All my stuff was in the first firing. Here is the kiln all packed ready to fire initially (photo from through the top vent hole).

then we fired up the raku kiln

And went about wadding up newspaper while we waited the ~45 minutes we needed to for the firing to be done.

You can see my stuff glowing orange inside from the top vent

Finally we went ahead and shut off the kiln, opened it up, and put the super hot pieces into the garbage cans of wadded up paper. Since we only really had JUST enough people to do a raku firing... there are no pictures.

Judy's neato tea pot went in the kiln next

this is how it came out. Cool eh? I think it's pretty.

btw... this is how my raku stuff came out

Saturday was a good day for raku.

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