Monday, December 3, 2007

j's 9th class (oh, the many things to glaze!)

right. Showed up to class pretty much on time. It was snowing gently on my way into class... coffee in hand. I hate to say this, but it really is kinda magical to be in a starbucks getting coffee while it's snowing outside. Everyone in there feels special when that happens.

I arrived first to class (after Zach ofcourse). Judy and 2 other students wandered in later.

I started rooting around in the bisque shelves. Kept finding things I forgot I made while looking for something I had the derndest time trying to find (a little sake pitcher was hiding inside a pot by another artist). FINALLY I had all my pieces.

The instructors of the ceramics lab had covered a couple of the canvas-topped tables with plastic so people could glaze out in the main room. Since no one was really in my class, and the radio (playing NPR's saturday morning favorites) was in the main room, I went ahead and filled a couple plastic bowls full of the various glazes I was interested in, and set myself up in the main room to glaze.

I sat and glazed and glazed and sat.

At some point other students came in to use the open lab hours (I was annoyed that they started showing up early actually, THEIR open lab didn't start till 1:30pm, but they started showing up around 11:30am... blah). And Zach teased me for using all the measuring cups from the glaze room at one time. I guess these other students needed them. I went ahead and washed up the ones I was done with (luckily I was done with a couple of the glazes at this time) while mock-grumping about how I was having fun by myself before other people showed up.

I think I ended up glazing 5 mugs, 3 trays, 6 little cups, 2 sake pitchers, 1 bottle-like thing, a bud vase, 2 small goblets (one of them broke while I was glazing it actually! I decided to try and glaze it back together tho, so we'll see how that goes), and a small assortment of other hand-built things.

Anyway, I finished up around 2:30... and was hungry and sleepy.

And, that's that. I have nothing left to work on. I guess next class I pickup my stuff! Here's hoping they come out!!!


hana said...

Sounds really cozy! I think I definitely need a day-time class next time I take pottery. The snow really looks nice coming down, the coffee shop all warm with fogged windows.

That's a lot of stuff to glaze. You must have been worn out at the end. Did you think of my Oz story when you were looking for your pieces? Heh.

jacqueline said...

I did think of your Oz story... but I was also thinking, "where the frick is my fricking piece!?!"

I basically touched everything on the shelves looking for that last little sake pitcher hiding inside a bowl on the bottom left shelf. Hee

Imagine my surprise when I stepped onto the step ladder over the middle set of shelves and said, hey! Those mugs look like something I would have made, and then I checked the bottoms and found my mark. Oh! They *ARE* mine. huh.


jacqueline said...

alright... total count (including those things I already have at home):

* 5 bowls
* 8 mugs
* 3 trays
* 6 lil'cups
* 2 small sake pitchers
* 2 small goblets
* 1 bud vase
* 1 genesis bottle
* 3 assorted hand-made objects
* 4 test tiles (totally came in handy on saturday)

That comes out to 35 pieces this class (granted including the test tiles, but whatever).
