Monday, November 12, 2007

j's 7th class (handles and glazing)

I showed up about 45 minutes late again, with coffee.

I initially found my 5 pieces in the glaze room and continued glazing them. I believe I glazed all of them and put them on the reduction cart. The cart was empty, but the pieces that were on there before weren't out on the shelves yet, my only guess is that they are in the kiln cooling down still.

none of the things I had placed on the bisque cart on thursday were done yet (altho also missing). Probably likewise stuck in a cooling down kiln.

I went ahead and finished attaching the feet on my second tray-box thing. They both came out well. I spent some time cleaning up their edges, and then I painted green engobe on the inside, and left it out on the shelf to dry out.

Finally I spend a long time trimming the 3 cups (2 with newly reattached bottoms) I had left. I'm pretty happy how they all came out. Then I went ahead and put their handles on. They are now loosely wrapped in plastic back on the shelves drying out slowly. By this time it was once again very near 3:30pm, and I was the last one in the studio besides zach. I cleaned up my wheel and table, and helped him put all the chairs up. That was about it.

There was a notice on the chalk board that the final bisque firing of the semester was happening on Nov 26. With no class on the 24th, that gives me 2 weeks to finish any other piece I want to work on before the class is over. I'll have to take advantage of any open lab I can make I suppose if there is a couple other things I want to make... huh.

So, yeah, no finished pieces yet, and um, alot in progress I suppose.


jacqueline said...

I just counted. I have 18 pieces in progess + 4 test tiles.

dude, that's alot of stuff!!
* 5 bowls
* 7 mugs
* 3 tray-like things
* and 3 other misc hand-built items.


hana said...

Cool. The quarter seems to have gone by so fast!